Monday, March 25, 2013

Some Different File Extentions And Their Meanings

BELOW ARE SOME DIFFERENT FILE EXTENTIONS AND THEIR MEANINGS. AVI = Audio Video Interleave. RTS = Real Time Streaming. SIS = Symbian OS Installer File. AMR = Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec. JAD = Java Application Descriptor. JAR = Java Archive. 3GPP = 3rd Generation Partnership Project. MP3 = MPEG layer lll. MP4 = MPEG-4 video file. AAC = Advanced Audio Coding. GIF = Graphic Interchangable Format. JPEG = Joint Photographic Expert Group. BMP = Bitmap. SWF = Shock Wave Flash. WMV = Windows Media Video. WMA = Windows Media Audio. WAV = Waveform Audio. PNG = Portable Network Graphics. DOC = Document (Microsoft Corporation). PDF = Portable Document Format. IMY = iMelody Ringtone. M3G = Mobile 3D Graphics. M4A = MPEG-4 Audio File. NTH = Nokia Theme(series 40). THM = Themes (SonyEricsson). MMF = Synthetic Music Mobile Application File. NRT = Nokia Ringtone. XMF = Extensible Music File. WBMP = Wireless Bitmap Image. DVX = DivX Video. HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language. WML = Wireless Markup Language. Http = hyper text transfer protocol. USB = Universal serial bus. MPEG = Moving picture expert group. XML= Extensible Markup Language. CSS = Cascading Style Sheets.


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